Component vs HDMI

22 Jul 2004
North East, Cleveland
Just got my self a HDMI DVD player, it has both Component and HDMI but which offers the best image quality?

Just got back from Comet, I asked what’s the best cable to use out of the two and he replied something like this.

Him "HDMI is the new scart, its going to be here for the next 35 years, we sell this one for £89.99 its gold plated and guarantied for two years"
Mam "It better be made from gold at that price"
Him "Scart just cant handle the data transferred using HDMI, its going to be around till you drop your clogs"

They didn’t have the LD DVD player I wanted so I went to Comet, I haven’t had chance to try the DVD player out yet because no cables at all where supplied so I’ll be going to Argos tomorrow for a HDMI cable for about £25.
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