Composition Advice

21 Apr 2004
Southampton University
I took this last night (amongst loads of fireworks photos) and I just can't get the composition right...

This is the full shot, and any kind of cropping I do to it makes it look 'wrong' somehow, yet as it is I don't like it either.


Anyone got any ideas or is it just a really poorly composed shot from the off?
Too cluttered, things in pair is hard to look right. You need to find a new angle rather than tweak it anymore.
Yep, I agree. The composition is defo out. My eye wants to see more going on in the right of the frame (i.e a wider shot with another gravestone). I find the background a little too dominant also.
Personally, I'd have a go at cloning out the large gravestone on the right. Not tried it so it could be a bad idea, but it's an idea!

Actually, you could also try a copy with the left cropped in a bit more so the scene starts from the left gravestone. It seems to look better like that. You definitely need to alter the levels and do something with the sky. Possibly run it through neat image too for noise reduction (or is that just a low quality image, I can't tell, my eyes are tired :( )
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