Compost Bin - Recommendations?

25 Nov 2020
Hi all,

I'm looking for recommendations for a compost bin. Our garden is a typical new build estate size so something fairly compact would be best. Ideally something that doesn't attract rats.

We're leaning towards a compost tumbler as they're off the ground and sealed. They also seem fairly easy to use. We're not doing loads, just putting in kitchen scraps and plant trimmings, also maybe the grass when it is cut.

Any recommendations, advice or cautions about garden composting and avoiding attracting unwanted pests?
Don't your local council provide you with one?
Nope. They charge for something like 6 months of taking garden waste if you buy a brown wheelie bin but that's it really.

I'm not sure I'd want to take the first thing offered to me anyway if there are more appropriate solutions for our garden.
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