Compressing files in Suse

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
I want to be able to compress files in suse so that thay are a .zip file.

When I goto the Gnome terminal I cd to the correct directrory where the file is (Currently.exe) I then put in the following command: zip file.exe

The system waits and then I get the following error message

zip warning: missing signature--propbably not a zip file (did you
zip warning: remember to use binary mode when you transfered it ?)

zip error: Zip file structure invalid (file.exe)

these are files that are resident on my laptop such as .exe files or .mov files.

Any suggestions ?
To get it working, type something like this:
zip inputfile.txt
if you want to add all .exe files to a zip, then:
zip *.exe

When you come across an error when using a command, it's usually because you haven't given it the right information in the arguments (or at least, in the wrong order). To work out how you should use a command, type:
command -h
command --help
They should show you how to use the command. If that isn't enough, you can find a manual page to give you a more wordy way of using the command, along with examples (v. helpful)
man command
If that isn't enough, then try googling it, eg.
search for: command howto

Using that system, you should be able to work out the commands yourself.
Hope that helps!
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