Compressing files is there a limit on the size of the file?

13 Jul 2005
Asking for someone else, The person is trying to send documents but the file documents is over 1gb so the person has to send them all individually, that's not good as the documents has over 20 pages.

I thought winrar was free but it's not.
7zip or Nanazip if you want native Win 11 menu integration.
Ha. This is funny but not because it isn't technically true.

I'm not really sure exactly what the question is, could you elaborate further or be more specific?

If its simply which zipper to use, use 7zip, it's been better than winrar for ages as far as I'm concerned. I'd you have a capped size limit on your transfer medium and you're looking to split files down and have them recombine on the other side, use the size split feature in 7zip.
Yes sorry I have been asked what free software can be used, The person is using windows 10 and when they try to compress it's saying its too big.
Bit confusing
20 pages of documents is over 1gb?

Is the limitation due to how they're trying to send them?
Usually about 25mb by email

Can you zip files over 1gb
Pretty sure you can
But would need to use something like Google drive etc
To be able to send/share something that big
I know it is confusing to know the documents is over 1gb, I have seen it myself, it's a assessment documents of health. O it could be a limitation of the email. I think the person is self employed and was told to compress the documents so it can be sent through email.
Thanks everyone, It's not a one off thing I will be honest I did get lost when they said what they wanted, I was told they had received them from a email. Definitely will need more information maybe using the cloud will be better, I do remember there was some talk about using the cloud. Someone had mentioned about Box.

Yeah if they received it by email
Would originally have been 20--25mb
Unzipping it would add to the size somewhat
But not to the extent of 1gb
Unless the email contained a link to download a large file
Which would be unlikely
Since the sender would expect it returned same method
Not a file attached to an email

That's why I wondered if maybe they did something like
Filled in required information
Either by printing it off and handwriting answers in
Then scanned or photographed the filled in documents
And saved them as image files
Or something along those lines
Tricky one as it's private and confidential I couldn't open up the file. This is all great as at least now I can ask more questions.
Is it possible that the person rather than selecting a single file to compress is selecting a whole directory and its sub-folders inadvertently?

Like others have said, even at a fairly high resolution colour scan , for a pdf you would think about 1Mb per page would be in the right ball park for size. Not 1Gb
Really I don't know, I really thought :confused: I had a go at compressing the file but didn't want to mess around with it as it's private and confidential and only had those files on the laptop. Hopefully I will see the person again and ask more questions about the files.

The laptop wasn't very organised files everywhere so I didn't want to mess around with it too much untill I asked here.
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