In my search for new toys, Ive aquired £600 worth of ABAC's finest compressor pump (yes...its a touch large). I didnt pay £600 - managed to get it FOC
Now a pump of this calibre would turn its nose up at a puny 50L Clarke compressor / receiver, which I have since sold (actually, it would have been too big to fit anyway)
This morning found me doing a small road trip down to see the 'toy' and pick up a S/H receiver.....slightly bigger at 300L and another pump that came with it (note to self - 300L receivers are BIG and cast iron pumps to fill such a best are chuffing heavy) managed to fit it in the Mondy (just)
Anyway - the reason, finally, for this post. The ABAC ideally needs a 7.5hp motor to run it, which would mean 3 phase, as im domestic single phase - the highest I can go is 3HP (or thereabouts) and this is where I get confused. The pump is spec'd to run at 1450RPM, a lot of the single phase motors Ive seen are running higher RPM's so - if I used a small V belt pully on the electric motor - would this give any torque advantage to the motor and hence pump - with the pump still spinning at approx 1450RPM?

Now a pump of this calibre would turn its nose up at a puny 50L Clarke compressor / receiver, which I have since sold (actually, it would have been too big to fit anyway)
This morning found me doing a small road trip down to see the 'toy' and pick up a S/H receiver.....slightly bigger at 300L and another pump that came with it (note to self - 300L receivers are BIG and cast iron pumps to fill such a best are chuffing heavy) managed to fit it in the Mondy (just)
Anyway - the reason, finally, for this post. The ABAC ideally needs a 7.5hp motor to run it, which would mean 3 phase, as im domestic single phase - the highest I can go is 3HP (or thereabouts) and this is where I get confused. The pump is spec'd to run at 1450RPM, a lot of the single phase motors Ive seen are running higher RPM's so - if I used a small V belt pully on the electric motor - would this give any torque advantage to the motor and hence pump - with the pump still spinning at approx 1450RPM?