computer blue screens when downloading

1 Oct 2005
not sure what the problem is here, my PC crashes when left to download. it just blanks off then blue screens, its overclocked so i went back in to the bios and selected load optimized defaults. then the pc wouldnt even boot!. i have lowred the fsb and voltage. still the same. any idea?

main parts of the spec
DFI Lanparty NF4 ultra
350mb weterndigital 16mb cache
2 gig balistix ram
Hiper type R PSU
BFG geforce 7800GT
amd opteron 146 cpu
Do you have a screen saver set to come on, if so, change it or turn it off. otherwise it sounds like your computer maybe having trouble with going into standby, could be a bios issue? or a hardware issue, check the event manager for errors or warnings.
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