Computer died... HHD?? MOBO??

18 Oct 2002
I turned on my pc yesterday and it stopped in the on the boot up screen with the message of something like "Your cpu has been changed or damaged please re-enter the setting in the bios..." for some reason i pressed reset without going into the bios. The next time it booted up the fans came of full blast (which they always do, but normally die down to almost nothing after the first 4 seconds) and didn't die down. The monitor went black and displayed the no signal logo. It just sat there with a blank screen and fans going full blast. I reset it again and still couldnt get it any where, not even to display the bios info at the start. since then i have tried turning it on many times and always just got the same thing apart from one time when it booted up normally got onto windows and once the desktop had loaded it all cut out and turned off.

At first i thought it might be a problem with the hard drive (raptor 74GB) as for the last 3 months it had been stalling on a blank screen for a few seconds between showing the windows logo and making it onto the desktop.

now im thinking it must be the motherboard because if it was the hard drive it would still display the bios info when it first booted up.

PC: Shuttle SN95G5 v1, raptor 74GB (windows + programs), 2nd HDD WD 250GB (music, etc.), AMD 64 3500+, crosair 2x 500MB

Thanks for any help guys cause im totally stuck.
i took the whole thing apart and put it back together this morning. on the first boot after i had reassembled it it made it onto windows then died as soon as the desktop had loaded and now is back to being totally dead like it was before.

are we thinking it is definitly the motherboard?
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