Computer music composing softwares, DJ softwares?

6 Sep 2005
OK, so i have Reason 3.0 (bog standard, nothing added to it, don't know how)
Audio Mulch, good piece of kit, good with .wav editing.

Well so far i have these two. now i want a DJing/Mixing software that i heard about on the radio, apparently you can take a sample from .wav or .mp3s and easily add a drum beat which adjusts to the music tempo automatically.

If you can let me know what it's called it will be really nice, and if anyone can tell me how to add samples and kits on reason tell me that also.

Thank you ^>^
ableton live

checkout the demo on the site , and the vids

easily the best software for changing tempos etc on the fly , its stupidly easy to just make a drum beat then put samples over it etc too

get the demo and run through the inbuilt tutorials , you can drag most file types into it , even vids on the new one

its what most laptop djs use too
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Cool thanks, and now im looking for a software that will analyze any music files and lets you see it in a graph of Frequency to time(or something similar) with it i wish filter a song out to just vocal or just the drum beat. I know there is something that does that. i just forgot what its called.
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