Computer no longer powers up :(

29 Aug 2005
Reppin' up North London
Spec in sig.
The computer was just on MSN and I was waiting for a message.
At the bottom it said ___ is writing a message.
And it didnt go so I thought damn this is long.
I was waiting about 30 seconds and realised it had crashed.
So I hit the reset button and nothing happened. Held the power button for 4 seconds, still nothing.
So I went for the power switch and turned it off.
Pressed the power and still nothing.
Tried basically everything, running nothing on the board, just cpu, just ram, Nothing.
So I come to the conclusion it was the motherboard.
Would I be correct in doing so?
Ive already had to RMA this board so I'm going to buy another if this is the problem.

Were you keeping an eye on temperatures?
What was the problem with your old board?
Do you get any beeps at power on?
Have you checked the temperature of the chipset recently?
Does anything at all happen when you switch it on, is there an led on the board?

It does sound like the board and i would guess the chipset may have overheated.

Will they still let you return it with a modified chipset cooler?
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Joe42 said:
Were you keeping an eye on temperatures? Yep, was a little toasty and had to drop the clocks. Nothing was over 50c at tops. Hot weather now though.What was the problem with your old board? Just span the fans and nothing
Do you get any beeps at power on? no, nothing happens.
Have you checked the temperature of the chipset recently? Yeah it stayed under 50c.
Does anything at all happen when you switch it on, is there an led on the board? No nothing.

It does sound like the board and i would guess the chipset may have overheated.

Will they still let you return it with a modified chipset cooler? I put the old chipset cooler back on.
I would say both boards may have died of chipset failure. 50 is a little hot.
However, when mine over heated both times i got bsods rather than just instant failure. I had several nf3 boards which died due to overheated chipset and all of them would sit with fan spinning while the chipset would heat up to over 90 and wouldn't boot at all. Its a bit strange that nothing at all happenes this time tho, try leaving it on for a few minutes and see if the chipset gets really hot.

I would say its probably rma time, get a refund and get something like an asus a8n sli premium or something with a decent chipset cooler design.
Joe42 said:
I would say both boards may have died of chipset failure. 50 is a little hot.
However, when mine over heated both times i got bsods rather than just instant failure. I had several nf3 boards which died due to overheated chipset and all of them would sit with fan spinning while the chipset would heat up to over 90 and wouldn't boot at all. Its a bit strange that nothing at all happenes this time tho, try leaving it on for a few minutes and see if the chipset gets really hot.

I would say its probably rma time, get a refund and get something like an asus a8n sli premium or something with a decent chipset cooler design.

Yeah it doesnt heat up or anything though.

Can I get a refund?
I thought they wont let me and just give me another RMA :(

I think you have the choice. Ask for a refund and explain its your second one to die and they should refund it.

I RMA'd a psu that was faulty and i was given a refund automatically so i don't think all RMAs are for a replacement...

Might be an idea to wait around and see if anyone else has any suggestions first.
So I'm probably going to get an Asus a8n-sli Premium.
Will I be able to just whack it in and expect it to work compatibility wise?

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