Computer problem, just beeps..

18 Mar 2006
Hey guys.

Built my PC yesterday and it was running fine all day. Got up and tried to turn it on just now and it powers but nothing comes on the monitor and the base unit just keeps giving me single, loud, beeps every 4-5 seconds.. :confused:

Anyone know what might be wrong?
If the beeps are long and constant, then it means your VGA card has no power or has failed, try re-seating the card and check its power connection, if the beeps are alternating, your memory has failed or needs re-seating.
Alright I'll go have a look.

The RAM was giving me abit of trouble during installation tbh.. I wasn't sure either sticks were in properly but I read lots of force isn't needed? And I felt if I pushed the sticks down any harder I'd risk breaking the RAM or the motherboard. Even when I thought both sticks were in, they would both move quite from side to side if I touched them, and light pressure to one end would send the other out of the slot... :confused:

GeIL Value by the way.
Just re-seated my RAM and I'm up and running again... :D

Got worried for a second there, thought something might have been damaged.
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