computer secruity/locator

19 Feb 2012
i have been searching around on ocuk and i cant seem to find anything that will allow me to locate my computer if it were ever stolen.

ive read in the papers about people with laptops and iphones and such who are able to track their items if they are stolen using inbuilt gps systems

is there anything around that i could install into my computer that would allow me to locate it if it were to be stolen?
i was thinking of somthing physically installed into the computer that had a backup powersupply which turned itself on when the power supply was removed? so that if it were unplugged from the mains the tracker card (or however it may come) would then activate and i could log onto a website and locate it and track its movements?

surely such a thing exists? or should i suggest it to ocuk?
there's nothing preventing you from installing the lojack/prey software on your desktop. they are obviously designed more for the portable market but should be fine to go on a desktop.

If your worried about the desktop why not just get physical security devices like kensington locks fitted.
there's nothing preventing you from installing the lojack/prey software on your desktop. they are obviously designed more for the portable market but should be fine to go on a desktop.

If your worried about the desktop why not just get physical security devices like kensington locks fitted.

thats true but what im trying to find is somthing that can locate my desktop computer if it was stolen, the software wouldnt work if the computer wasnt powered up and connected to the internet.

im looking for a gps tracker that is connected to one of the expansion slots for example, and has its own backup power supply that powers the gps tracker when the power supply is removed.
well i couldn't see a pc based one but you could just attach one of the vehicle based trackers to the unit. the problem with these is they generally have a monthly subscription charge.

The other alternative is to get one of the cheaper car/walking trackers that just has a pay as you go sim in it that you can track should the machine go missing.
this would just sit in the bottom of case or attached in some way in the case. this would need require batteries to be changed every so often which is probably the best compromise i could some up with.

i don't think there has ever really been a need to track desktop hardware as it generally doesn't leave the house which is why all the products that i looked for are just software options.

Again there are gps rfid solutions out there but they are quite expensive as they come with some monthly charge associated with them.

The cost of securing the system in a purpose/custom built cage will be cheaper than going to the trouble or expense of looking at a hardware solution.

the chances are that if some is going to steal a machine they are likely going to power it up. if they don't connect it to the internet via wireless or hardware i am sure you could get a gprs pci card that connects automatically to the net once the machine is powered up.

just some additional thoughts there.
if u are really serious about tracking ur rig, then ur looking at personal gps beacons, almost like ur emergency epirbs except they give a continues gps signal.

the garmin GTU 10 for example, has a 4 weeke battery life and is about the size of a usb stick, (slighty bigger). u could get a proffesional elecy to hard wire it into the psu.,2817,2383276,00.asp

iv trialled devices simalar to these and they do work.
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The cheapest option would be to get the cheapest phone with gps you can, then mount that in an HDD case or something to dsguise it and hook it up to the psu for power. The download a gps tracking app like google latitude.
any decent rig that is stolen will probably be broken down and its parts sold separately. only rubbish rigs that are worth more as a working rig will be kept together. a physical lock would be the wisest thing as a thief won't spend much time on something secure he will be looking for things he can quickly and easily steal. i haven't tried but i'm guessing my rig won't easily fit in my pocket, and carrying it down the street will look suspicious too.
[9.5 years working with criminals.]
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