Concerning EULA condtions

21 Mar 2005

I recently played some Pinball FX on Steam. In doing so I came across some really unhappy users in the Discussions area.

Basically they are not able to use the game unless they accept new license agreement terms. The new terms were forced upon them after they bought the game and loads of DLC tables.

Personally I don't spend time reading through these, I have hundreds of Steam games, maybe I should!?

The forum thread is here

I actually do want to play this game that I paid money for, it's pretty good!

I uninstalled it when reading this thread. For all I know it may have installed tools that scan your machine for cracked games as this is what the new EULA is stating. Not really sure if they are still there on uninstalling the game. They could be disguised as Windows processes for instance.

Reading further in the thread the first set of new EULA terms stated that your data was being collected and given to 3rd parties. I mean seriously, what the hell!?!? The current new EULA suggests that the data recorded is only for Zen's (the game owner) use.

TBH, The situation is crap. I wonder if there are other games that have this in the EULA? Is this something that will become more common?

apologies if I have understood the situation incorrectly here... but this is how it is reading to me!
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Originally posted by Barbie Bob-omb:
Again, for those of you who didn't read my posts on this thread, we do NOT collect personal information on Steam.

On Steam we collect the following data:

Game played
Version 26 played
Version 29 played
Version 30 played
Legal games
Cracked games
[number of] Users
[number of] Users (hacked)
Tables played
Trial tables played
Hotseat matches
Tables played with legal game
Tables played with cracked game
Hours played in trial
Hours played in single
Hours played in hotseat
Very easy mode used
Easy mode used
Normal mode used
Hard mode used
Very hard mode used
Custom table settings used
Custom controls used
Custom audio settings used
No audio used
Portrait mode used
Games saved
Games loaded
Upsell screen shown
Upsell screen accepted
English language used
French language used
Italian language used
German language used
Spanish language used
Japanese language used
How to play screen shown
Controls screen shown
Settings screen shown
Credits shown
About screen shown
Table guide shown
Statistics screen shown
Operator menu shown
Cheats detected

Table stats :

Score 0-1M
Score 1M-10M
Score 10M-100M
Score 100M-500M
Score 500M-1000M
Score 1000M-10000M
Score more than 10000
Game time 0-1 min
Game time 1-5 min
Game time 5-15 min
Game time 15-30 min
Game time 30-60 min
Game time 60-120 min
Game time more than 120 min

cracked games probably just means they are checking if their game has been cracked and will ban you by telling 3rd party steam about it

most all of that data looks like standard data collection stuff and nothing to be worried about
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