5 Aug 2023
Wow that was fast, I do applaud Firewalk for accepting reality so quickly and not wasting everyone's time, and obviously for the refunds.

8 years in development, lifespan of less than a fortnight!

Also, maybe next time don't call your prospective customers "Talentless freaks".

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I don't understand why they couldn't at least try and make a go of it by going F2P? It works for Apex Legends and Fort nite?

No doubt there will be dozens if not hundreds of developers laid off after this too.

There's only 1,593,259 more people playing Fortnite right now.

Going F2P won't save this game anyway, EA realised this with Anthem which was a far "bigger" game in all respects, they took it down and told everyone "we're making Anthem 2.0, bear with us, here's a roadmap" - and then realised 6 months later it wasn't going to work.

As stew says, people are tired of LSG, and have no patience waiting for a gamne to be turned round.
This will end up to the Go Woke Go Broke museum. A perfect specimen.

It failed for many reasons but you can't have heros that look like this and expect people to want to play them, some of them are beyond belief. DEI land whales, and every single one looks like an accident in the paint factory.
me neither really but it just seems weird if it's true they had the tag and then removed it.

from what I saw of the game, not a whole lot, the character select screen etc looked like generic placeholder hero photos...

almost like it's made by AI

It's made by finance bros who want whatever's hot right now in every game (hence the Guardians vibe), even though that game is going to be out in another 5 years at best. This was made back in a time when they thought appeasing the DEI mafia would be easier than telling them to **** off. This is only a very small part of why it has failed though - but it does show as we have seen time and time again where their priorities lie.

So you get hero's like this who no-one would ever want to play, which means before you even get into gameplay and core mechanics, the game is already dead.

Clearly they prefer losing $100M to having a few dozen mentally ill people screaming at them on Twitter.

It's a wild World.

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If the terrible characters and DEI oompa loompas no-one wanted to play weren't part of the problem then the wokists and gaming griftervists wouldn't be in total meltdown on Twitter. :D

Also, with regard to the $40 price, no-one wanted to play it when it was in Beta and EA for free...

There was also nothing horrendously wrong with Concord it wasn't unplayable trash, it was just mid (IGN gave it a good (7) review :D ), so with that in mind where was the "modern audience" to play it and support it? I mean they whine and cry all day about all the bad racists and phobes who are all alt-right refusing to play the game, but clearly none of them are playing it, and neither are their friends etc

Why is that? Is it because none of them actually play games? - Hmmm...

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It's hard to know just who was ultimately responsible for the design choices, she mentioned commitees, that sounds a lot like there was a lot of corpo interference and there's definitely DEI influence, which leads me to believe the people sat behind monitors can't have had much creative freedom.
No one is crying online, apart from the devs. No one cared for the game from either side, if you were trying to imply otherwise. It's funny seeing the DEI and let's call them for what they are, transphobes and racists claiming this is a victory when it clearly isn't one. There was not enough interest garnered for the game from day one, as the trailers and betas showed. It was clearly a game no one wanted to play.

Yes they are.

No interest in the game?

Well, definitely not after the devs called their potential customers "talentless freaks".

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There was a dev on Concord who decided to identify herself as "The Professor"* and she went right to the top of HR to make sure that everybody had to call her that and refer to her as "The Professor" in meetings...

*Not a real Professor.

So what? There's weirdos and people with egos at most companies. Not sure what point you are trying to make here.

Blizzard for example had far worse things going on internally and could still knock out games like Overwatch and Diablo 4.

Do they self-identify as professors and go to HR to demand everyone aids them in their delusion?

So all the sexual harassment of women and stealing breast milk is ok because they were knocking out decent ganes?

Not sure what point you're trying to make here?

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From what I remember that game was universally slated from the fans of the franchise.

Yes it won praise and awards from the gaming "journalists" but then again those are the same people that completely ignored Hogwarts Legacy the best selling game of last year for political reasons.

Yep, what a surprise!

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