Boarding my loft so I need it removed.. I haven't got a quote yet but I suspect several hundred, even when it's essentially a lift and shift job. Has anyone ever paid for this save me phoning a company?
Question is, should I risk doing it myself. It's not broken and will fit through the loft hatch, just about. I could seal it in thick black bags. It has some holes at the top that I could attempt to jerry rig with rope in the hope of lowering it down.
Anyone attempted to do this or am I exposing myself to too much risk?
Question is, should I risk doing it myself. It's not broken and will fit through the loft hatch, just about. I could seal it in thick black bags. It has some holes at the top that I could attempt to jerry rig with rope in the hope of lowering it down.
Anyone attempted to do this or am I exposing myself to too much risk?