Concrete asbestos water tank removal

18 Oct 2002
Boarding my loft so I need it removed.. I haven't got a quote yet but I suspect several hundred, even when it's essentially a lift and shift job. Has anyone ever paid for this save me phoning a company?

Question is, should I risk doing it myself. It's not broken and will fit through the loft hatch, just about. I could seal it in thick black bags. It has some holes at the top that I could attempt to jerry rig with rope in the hope of lowering it down.

Anyone attempted to do this or am I exposing myself to too much risk?
Get some quotes in as you’ll be paying asbestos disposal specialists to get rid of the tank anyway.
You read you can take it to the tip

It would probably be worth researching the risk posed by concrete asbestos. Any risk would come from fibres being generated, i.e. abrasion of the tank. I wonder if concrete asbestos might be less of a risk, because the asbestos would be more bound in the material? You may be able to remove it relatively safely (heavy weight aside), if you can do it without causing abrasion.

Once you've got it out, you will need to pay for disposal anyway I believe (haven't checked if the council might offer this), as asbestos needs correct disposal because of its hazardous nature. So you'll have cost anyway, and the actual removal cost may not be much more.

As much as I've read, it's the lowest risk as the fibres are bound by the concrete. Any breakage will raise the risk of release.
My plan is to wrap it with very heavy duty plastic bags and lower it down through the hole. Wearing appropriate masks and overalls.

I feel like that's something achievable that doesn't need to be paid for. The local refuse Centre will except it.
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