Configuring Windows Server 2016

19 May 2014
I wondered if someone can help...

I've got a server running hyper-v (on bare metal), and have set up two vm's. Both vm's running Windows Server 2016 standard (let's say Server1 and Server2).

I've set up Windows Server Essentials Experience on Server1 and set that up as the domain controller. I've not done anything with Server2, other then configured the network adapter settings.

I've been trying to connect Server2 to the domain created with Server1 but it gets as far as asking me for a domain username and password and then tells me the domain does not exist. I've also tried the Server Essentials connector app but that does the same thing

Is there anything I can try, as I'm feeling a bit out of my depth (having only used Server Essentials previously).
I have tried pinging both servers.

Server2 can ping Server1 by both it's IP address and it's Server Name
Server 1 is unable to ping Server2 by either.

I have checked and both servers are using Router's IP for gateway and Server1's IP for DNS.
Try disabling IPv6 temporarily on server2 when you do the domain join, I've seen that cause domain DNS issues in the past.
Still not working. It says:

"The following error occured attempting to join the domain: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted"

I've just had a thought though...I'm trying to keep the domain name the same on the new server set up, as our old server but old server is still connected (will be disconnected when this is all up and running), so I'm wondering if there's a conflict and maybe I need to change the name of the Domain altogether. Although that wouldn't answer why Server1 can't ping Server2.
I'd diagnose this first. Potentially it could be a firewall or a routing issue. Is server2's firewall set to allow inbound ICMP traffic? Can you ping server2 from any other device?
Thanks! You prompted me to look at Server2's firewall and I changed it to allow file and print sharing, and can now ping it from Server1 using the IP address, but when I try to ping Server2 using the servers name, it says 'Ping request could not find host [Server2]. Please check the name and try again.'
I ran ipconfig /all on both servers earlier. Server2 looks fine, but Server1 has the following:

Autoconfig IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
IPv4 Address: (Duplicate)
Subbet Mask:
I thought Essentials was just one OS instance, no support for 2 DC?

Server 1 info above states .253 to be a duplicate IP, try change this to one that is unique and re-test the pinging.

Have you created a virtual switch for each in HV?
Both servers are using Server 2016 Standard, but Server1 has the Windows Essentials Experience installed (it's not the Server Essentials OS).

There is nothing else on the network with the .253 IP address though, but will try changing the IP.

No I've not created multiple virtual switches, as I only have one physical network adapter available on the server and from what I've read, I should only have a single Virtual Switch, using VLAN (the server has two network used for the hyperv management and one used for the virtual switch).
Should be fine I'm running 1 virtual switch for 2 VMs on one of our servers.

Can both servers ping out to the internet?
Out of interest, do you have the VLAN ID option ticked on either the Virtual Switch, or the VM settings?

If I tick VLAN ID, I can't ping either server from each other, but ipconfig /all on Server1 shows as the preferred IP and doesn't show the autoconfig address as above. Switch VLAN ID off, and I can ping Server1 from Server2, but it shows the autoconfig iP as and the IPv4 address as (Duplicate)
Ok, so it appears there is a conflicting IP address somewhere as even with Server1 powered off, I was manage to ping, so changed the IP address for Server1, updated the DNS IP on Server2, and have now been able to join Server2 to the domain.

I'm now having issues with the Windows Server Essentials role but at least the two servers are talking to one another now :)

Thanks for all the advice
Glad you got it sorted... I had issues with the windows 2016 roles - turned out to be I had to install some korean language pack or something similar from memory...... ridiculous.
Thanks - I'd used the Windows Server Essentials role to manage users and groups, but they're not showing in the dashboard now and when I click refresh, it throws an error up...just trying removing the role, and then will reinstall it and see if that works.
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