I have the following:
Abit AV8 3RD Eye motherboard
Crucial 1Gb (2x512MB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit
Its been running fine for over a year now. I decided to boost the memory last week and ordered from OcUK the following:
Crucial 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit
When I installed it the BIOS only registered 2Gb. I called up tech support who suggested I reset my CMOS and swap the memory around (DIMM 1/2 for DIM 2/3). When I did this the BIOS only registered 1Gb.
So I now only have the 2Gb Ballistix Dual Channel Kit in and am wondering what the problem is. Can anyone help or give me some advice, please?
Abit AV8 3RD Eye motherboard
Crucial 1Gb (2x512MB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit
Its been running fine for over a year now. I decided to boost the memory last week and ordered from OcUK the following:
Crucial 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit
When I installed it the BIOS only registered 2Gb. I called up tech support who suggested I reset my CMOS and swap the memory around (DIMM 1/2 for DIM 2/3). When I did this the BIOS only registered 1Gb.
So I now only have the 2Gb Ballistix Dual Channel Kit in and am wondering what the problem is. Can anyone help or give me some advice, please?