
20 Oct 2002
North West
Why is it that if someone confronted me in public (or in front of friends) I would melt - but if I was on my own I'd be fine? I honestly don't know why. An example of this is, say if someone came up to me to start a fight, on my own I'd be fine but with friends I couldn't handle it? Sometimes I think it's the fact that I don't like being embarrassed, but I honestly don't know. Anyone got any answers because it's driving me insane :p.
But I don't mind messing up in front of mates...ah! It's really weird, nevermind, more beer please!
Kell_ee001 said:
That is unusual as most people would back down from confrontation when alone rather than in front of people! :confused:

I know. That's what I mean. So it's kinda weird for me :confused:
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