Confused about monitors and sync

31 Jan 2018
I've decided to upgrade my current system and get a new monitor that allows me to play at 144hz+

What I can't seem to completely understand is the compatibility of cards/monitors, I was thinking of getting an Nvida card and was told I am best off going for a g-sync monitor so they are compatible but then read elsewhere g-sync causes tearing and it's best having it off, and just lots of conflicting information.

If I do get an nvida card, does my choice of 144hz monitor matter that much? Should I get a g-sync one?

Thank you for any advice
Choose a gsync monitor if you have a nvidia card and you're getting a 144hz monitor and are happy to pay the significant premium for gsync.

GSync activates between a certain frequency range (which is typically quite broad) so you'll get the benefit of gsync between those ranges - these benefits include no tearing.

If the game is running above that frame rate - in your case 144hz - gsync will have no effect so its recommended that you do the following :
- enable gsync in Nvidia control panel
- enable vsync in Nvidia control panel
- disable vsync in game settings
- using a FPS limiter to set fps just below 144hz

A 144Hz monitor greatly reduces tearing. This is because tearing is worst when your card goes above the refresh rate of the monitor and at 144Hz, well, that's pretty unlikely. Not only that but because the monitor has that higher refresh rate, tears are smaller and less noticeable. So really a 144Hz monitor is a lot better than a 60Hz monitor for tears and stuff. G-Sync, however, eliminates tears, and it does so in a way that is better than V-Sync. It also reduces another problem caused by V-Sync called stuttering. However, G-Sync does not eliminate stuttering completely. All in all, G-Sync could be seen as a way better version of V-Sync. However, really G-Sync works better on cheaper 60Hz monitors than it is on 144Hz monitors, because tears are just less visible on 144Hz monitors, so, well, it's up to you. Thing is G-Sync can be expensive, but it is often included pretty much as standard on expensive 144Hz monitors. Personally I would get it if it's there, but if it costs you more then I wouldn't bother. But I'm a cheapskate. :D
You could also get an AMD card.
Freesync (AMD) or G-Sync (Nvidia) only make sense if your card cannot handle the refreshrate of your monitor for that game and resolution.

I noticed on my screen 144Hz with Freesync2, disabling it on games (the only game I tested) it runs at 144fps anyway, gives better quality. Otherwise it would glimmer a bit.

What a Freesync2 monitor and card does, if your card only produces 80fps, it lowes the refreshrate to match that or if you drop below a certain threshold, it doubles it.
Lets say Freesync works from 48fps to 128fps, then if you drop to 40fps, it sets the monitor refreshrate to 80Hz.
Gsync has ulmb for the above posters scenario thus it costs more because it is SUPERIOR :D

Gsync capped 3fps under the refreshrate or turn it off and see how you get judder and tearing. If vsync is allowed on im sure its an extra frame.

So your saving like 6.9ms at least. And as far as tearing and stutter i do not see any when i have confirmed with the nvidia gsync indicator a game supports it.
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