Confused by Froststat Wiring Diagram

23 Nov 2007
Lancashire, UK
This is a monumentally simple query, I just want to check I'm not being daft.

I'm going to fit a froststat and pipestat to my boiler, so in addition to the current supply via switched live from the control unit, I'll be running a permanent live through a NO froststat and NO pipestat to give a parallel switched supply.

Simple enough, and it *should* just be the case that I'm running live cables in and out, with an obligatory earth cable too.

The wiring diagram on the inside of the froststat has me confused - I'd expect the right hand terminal (1) to be Live, (2) to be the switched output, and the centre terminal just left empty presumable (the left hand 3 are all blanks, no metal contacts).

So what is the N and Ph label doing on those wires?!

As I'd expect, the manufacturer website lists that Neutral is not required as it's just a mechanical froststat (gas bellows) - RAD1 at the bottom of the page.

So, anyone know the answer for definite, or shall I drop them an email and wait? I can't see how it can be anything other than L-in/SL-out with an Earth, but then what on earth is the wiring diagram on about?

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