Confused - points over Wus

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
Confused - points over Wus (F@H)

Folding@Home . . .

I'm a bit confused as why there are some members with hardly any completed WUs but have been scoring high and some with a high rate of completed WUs but have scored very little.

Look at Nobby for example.. he has completed 3553 WUs yet only has a score 36222 .. that only about 10 per completed WU??? :confused:

also BigDom has 7 active processors and I have 14 (albeit 5 of those are only active for 12hours per day) yet he is producing a much higher daily output.

What's the secret?.. I'm assuming this has something to do with the set-up..

Experts please enlighten me. :)

What can i do do get the most from the processor i have?
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