Confused with 2Gig kits!!

6 Oct 2004
Widnes, Cheshire
1 Is it better to go for low latencys or higher fsb?(gaming)
2 If i ran some low latency ram on a divider say 166 would it impact the overall performace of my system drastically looking at 250 ish fsb
3 Looking at my system specs what kit would suit me best???
Many thanks
So if i understand you right your saying that 250/13 3-4-4-8 is going to be better for gaming than say 200/16 2-3-2-5 ?
Scooby Dave thanks for that link it kinda opens your eyes a bit, just going to enjoy my games and leave the benchies to the overclockers i'm not interested in 2-5% gains in benchies with no actual benifit in the way it runs games :) i think i'll opt for the low latency as i got a fx chip and can up the multi rather than rely on the fsb
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I have just ordered the ZX after reading through the link provided by scooby going to run at 200/16 2-3-2-5 1T that should fulfill my gaming needs for a while :D P.S. very good price for 2Gig ;)
Well just got my zx and it booted fine after a bios reset, running great @ 210/16 2-2-3-5 stock voltage soooo happy with it and my game load times are almost instant running X3 @1680x1050 all bells and whistles on and it runs so much better with 2Gig.
I went for the zx as i dont need the high htt..... glad i did too :D
Just did the 32M superpi 23m 19s now that means very little to me ......Is it good/bad/average???????
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I know this sounds a bit stupid ....but what does it test ....Memory/CPU/both or your system as a whole?????
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