
2 Oct 2004
N.W London
Hi Guys,

I took up a job for a friend who is an artist to redesign her website......

First page, (homepage) was simple and straight forward.....

Since then she has changed her mind so many times, regarding colours for other pages, the way I chose to display her portraits / images etc etc ( ive tried things like lightbox, simpleview finder and so many other diff things), some things are like "oh move that 2px to the left/right"

I dont know whether I am wasting my time? I am seriously starting to develop an inferiority complex in my web abilites...

If there is any advice or help you can suggest to cheer me up Id be most grateful

ah the age old problem of pleasing the customer. the only real way around it is to explain to her that eventually, these constant changes are going to cost her (i am assuming u are charging her something for this).

i have had to deal with this several times in the past. yes it is very annoying, but if they are paying you extra for the changes, its not really an issue.

if she isnt paying you, then you will have to somehow explain to her that she needs to make up her mind about what she wants - to make your job easier.
When we develop new sites for customers, we give them a website proposal which they can make any changes to, we make the website then we give them a week to give us any changes they think need doing, obviously things on paper look different to the real thing. After that we get them to sign a document that says the website is complete and any work or alterations carried out after the date on the document will be charged and are not part of the initial quote. Has worked fine so far on plenty of potentially problematic customers.
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