Confusing films

10 Mar 2005
Hiya :D

Ever since seeing Donnie Darko I have started loving confusing/very clever or wierd films like "12 monkeys" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". Just wondered if anyone else liked these kind of films and if you could point out others of the same type.

PS. Is it possile for anyone to have the same thoughts and theories about DD there are just so many ways to try and make sense of this film :)
Davey_Pitch said:
It's confusing because they leave so many things up to the interpretation of the viewer, and don't explain as much as they should. It does leave it open for you to imagine the film in any way you see fit, especially what happens after the end.

I like when they do this as everyone interprets (sp?) the film in a different way and thinks of or realise things you never. Great fun ;)
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