Confusion over Nikon software

7 Jan 2003
Ive googled around and still I'm confused wether Nikon have done with Capture NX2,I've downloaded a 60 day trial so if its discontinued why do they still offer it?

Has Capture NX-D taken its place and where does View NX2 come into all of this,

Im giving up on Aperture considering Apple have and so far I like the Nikon editors,just not sure which one is going to be around in a few months,

Does anybody know which are which?

I think NX2 was discontinued as it was not going to support new cameras, it also had u-point which was developed by Nik software but they were bought by google so I guess that had something to do with it.

I believe NX-D has taken its place so maybe worth getting a trial of that if it's available.

I assume there's a reason you don't use Lightroom? if not then try that.. also have a look at Capture One Pro 8.

or maybe even on one who have a rather different workflow :
Thanks Jase
yes i am also running the free NX-D,it doesn't say a trial,it seems free.

I did have lightroom a while back it was ok but preferred Aperture but with Apple finishing support thats why I'm looking.

I did DL a months trial of LR recently but deleted after a week,this was before I decided to finish with Aperture,now when i try and DL it again it keeps coming up with a DL error saying Safari can't DL from sites beginning with AAM i think it is,I've tries all sorts to rectify this and don't want to risk paying for a sub if I'm not going to be able to DL it. just installing the Beta Yosemite with Apple Photos to try,will also look at your suggestions.
I use Lightroom and Photoshop on the CC subscription.

I saw a presentation on Capture One Pro a few weeks ago by a Phase One rep and it looked pretty good but he was doing the presentation to sell it so I guess that was the idea. There is a trial version of it also and I gave it a go but I'm so used to Lightroom I couldn't change. You're in a position that you'll have to get used to something new anyway so best to try all you can.

Also remember that Lightroom 6 should be out this month (hopefully)
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