Connecting an X-Fi to a front panel

6 Nov 2003
Anyone know if it's possible to connect the audio connectors on the front panel of my Lian-Li PC7 PLUS to an X-Fi?

There looks to be some form of connector on the X-Fi card that might lend itself to this use, but I think it might be proprietary (possibly used for connecting to the 5.25" drive bay module on the Platinum version).

I asked a similar Q, some time back, though about a different case. No i dont believe you can, those pins on your card are only for connecting to the breakout box and then in turn to the headphones / mic etc etc. Shame as it would solve some of my problems. But when i asked i was informed it cannto be done. Even after a lengthy search on the net.
Yeah, I'd pretty much come to the same conclusion after looking around the net. Not too much of a problem though - the breakout box gives me all the connections I need (and a few more!).

oh well, i didnt know you had the breakout box, lol Then you wont need to use the mic and headphone jack on your case will you. Just use the breakout box's.
Use your now redundant case jacks to store toothpicks in to get nasty pieces of pizza out of your teeth.
Yeah, it was just connector greed ;) Sometimes it is handy just to quickly plug a little set of headphones into the front port, rather than hunt around for the adapter to let me plug 'em into the larger jack on the breakout box.

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