Connecting another Sky Box with a new TV



6 Mar 2008
Hi all,

I've bought a new TV and have a spare sky box from a friend. I have a dish with a quad lnb.

How do I go about getting Sky set up on this other box so that I can watch what I want?
Thanks, a 5 or 6m coax lead off the bay for £5 and getting my gf's uncle to fit it would be cheaper than multiroom then.
Except without the MultiRoom subscription you'll not have Sky - just the free stuff. So as Jamesyboyjim says ,if you go for a multiroom subscription, you might as well get Sky to install it all properly as they'll do that for free.

I've just this second got off the phone to someone who said exactly that. So if I want to watch Sky Sports up stairs in my man cave there's no other way around it than to have Sky Multiroom?

Would this 'magic eye' thing sky do not solve the problem?
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