Connecting PS3 to Monitor via VGA?

15 Dec 2002
I want to move my PS3 from my TV to my monitor. I am using the DVI for my PC so I want to connect it via VGA as I don't want to constantly be switching cables. Is there a massive loss in picture quality when using HDMI > VGA? How would I sort out sound?

I was looking at another store and found what I thought was the right itme but it was VGA Input to HDMI output for about £20.

I am looking at DVI now. How would I get sound output to my monitor speakers? can I use a PS3 Composite AV cable and but an adapter I have seen for the 2 soupd plugs to 3.5m stereo? By the looks of the cable and the back of the PS3 it fits into the unused AV Multi Out port.
The VDIGI product looks good but 2 weeks delivery :/
I have the Asus MW221U, the spec says HDCP but I can't see anything about the 1:1 Pixel Mapping.
I finally got my cables required, hooked it up, remember to press the power button for the res and got out of range message :( From the Asus forums it seems that it is actualy quite difficult to get it going properly. I got a good picture bit the Out of Range message won't go away :(
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