Connecting TV in kitchen to Virgin box via HDMI?

27 Feb 2004
I want to connect our HDMI virgin box in the lounge to our TV in the kitchen. They are about 10m apart but it is a tortuous path through 2 walls and a cable is visible. Drilling holes in walls to allow an HDMI plug to pass would be messy. Does anybody have any ideas to get a good signal please. In the "old" days I used a microwave "sender" but this used to be affected by people walking about and the microwave so abandoned long ago.

I have heard HDMI over cat 6 - can you get HDMI over wifi? Any ideas welcome please.

Thanks, Mel
There's wireless HDMI but I've no experience with it and can't really see how so much uncompressed data can be transmitted wirelessly. Maybe these rather expensive solutions compress the data first.

There are 5GHz scart/composite video senders but the quality of the picture will be low definition.

Maybe the technology has moved on since I last looked at this a few years ago but there are still the same challenges to overcome.
Do you have a spare power socket? I happily use Powerline for upstairs internet and it appears that using them to transmit HDMI is indeed a thing, no idea about quality or speeds mind, i'll leave that up to you to look into.

Google HDMI over IP, and good luck.
Do you have a spare power socket? I happily use Powerline for upstairs internet and it appears that using them to transmit HDMI is indeed a thing, no idea about quality or speeds mind, i'll leave that up to you to look into.

Google HDMI over IP, and good luck.

Will have a look, thanks
or if you think a cat5/6 will be better then just use a HDMI Balun over ethernet, but still means running a cable just not as big holes.
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