Looking for a bit of help I'm trying to get an MacAir onto the network so we can use printopia and be able to print from ipads.
I am following this tutorial http://4sysops.com/archives/how-to-join-a-mac-os-x-computer-to-active-directory/
We are using windows 2008 r2
From my understanding the domain controller is called DC1
and the active directory is school.local
on the binding page I have tried school.local and dc1.school.local in the Active Directory Domain field.
Also afte clicking bind in the username i have used administrator and school\administrator and I get
Authentication server could not be contacted or
unable to connect to server.
Any Ideas?
I am following this tutorial http://4sysops.com/archives/how-to-join-a-mac-os-x-computer-to-active-directory/
We are using windows 2008 r2
From my understanding the domain controller is called DC1
and the active directory is school.local
on the binding page I have tried school.local and dc1.school.local in the Active Directory Domain field.
Also afte clicking bind in the username i have used administrator and school\administrator and I get
Authentication server could not be contacted or
unable to connect to server.
Any Ideas?