Connection issuea to ff14

30 Jun 2015
Can't seem to get help from isp or their support. Basically I can't stay connected. When in game if you get a symbol so others know. I get this symbol ever 10-20 seconds for about a second without actually disconnected but eventually I will get booted.

Ports forward..firewall on Windows and router down. Tried wtfast. No change. Tracert tells me on a certain hop I am drops about 60% of the time but wtfast tells me no packet losses.

Had no issues before switching to Windows 8.1 with Asus saber tooth. Now I do. Drivers up to date.

Has no issues on Windows 7 with my gigbye ud3p. These are only changes. Games fully compatible with 8 and 10 Windows.

So I' a loss here...
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