Connection issues

13 Jun 2005
West Midlands
Heres my setup -

32" Sony HD TV (DVB)

Panasonic HD DVD Recorder/Player(DVB)

Cable box(Telewest) not yet HD

Video Recorder(for surveillance camera)

I have one aerial wire coming into the house which plugs straight into the RF IN on the cable box. From RF out on the cable ive got a cable attached to a splitter which connects to the RF in on the TV.

The remaining socket on the splitter connects to a RF lead which allows television to the front room tv and the tv in my parents room. Connecting this way also allows for cable TV on the front room tv and the tv upstairs.

The DVD player/recorder has no RF going into it and therefore is unable to pick up any channels and therefore has nothing to record from.

My understanding at the time when I set it up was that connecting the DVD to the TV would somehow allow it to record what was coming up on the TV as long as there is an RF signal going into the TV. Obviously I was wrong because this appears to not work.

The DVD player/recorder is connected to the TV via HD. Can anyone help me get this right so that I can record from TV to DVD and from cable TV to DVD?

Just for the record DVD playback works fine and cable TV comes up fine on the TV. The cable box connects to the TV via SCART as does the old video recorder.
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