Considering buying 19" TFT but have questions that i can't find answers to on here

18 Oct 2002
I've been through all of the stickied threads and done lots of searches, but i've got a couple of questions that i can't find answers to (as well as some questions that everyone seems to be asking)

I am thinking about getting a 19" TFT but i am unsure which one to get, so hopefully if i put all my requirements on here someone can help;

I am an avid games player, but also use my pc for web browsing, listening to music, word/excel when i am working from home and watching the occasional film (when the wife is watching the tv downstairs!).

Currently, i have the following games installed on my PC (as an indication of the kind of games i play)

Tiger Woods 2006
Madden 2006
Pro Evo 5
Fifa 2006
Serious Sam 2
Call of Duty 2
Half Life 2 (+CSS)
Doom 3 data disc (which i still haven't gotten around to starting!)

So, mostly, i go in for sports titles and first person shooters.

The rest of my rig is as follows
Asus p4c800 deluxe
2gb ram
Northwood 2.8 @ 3.3

One of my main reasons for considering the switch to a TFT is that i run a rig that is as silent as possible with loads of zalman and silenx products to make it as quiet as possible for an air cooled system. However, in doing so i've noticed that the noisiest component in my system is the monitor (Mitsubishi 930sb) that emits and electronic hum that varies with the refresh rate that it is set to. Under normal circumstances you would never notice it, but with a near silent rig it drives you mad! Are TFTs, therefore, silent in operation? (couldn't find an answer on that anywhere else).

Also, which model is best for use outside the native resolution as whilst my current rig is happy at 1280x1024 in games i'm sure the games that are released in the next 12 months will grind to a halt on it, especially if 3dmark 2006 is anything to go by!

Overall, therefore, i am looking for recommendations that are good for 3d shooters and sports games, are silent in operation and aren't too bad when scaled down to 1024 x 768 in case i'm skint next year and can't upgrade!

My budget would be around the £400 mark and i'm not too bothered about widescreen or not - unless anyone can convince me otherwise.

Many thanks in advance for your help

Are TFTs, therefore, silent in operation? (couldn't find an answer on that anywhere else).

yes, pretty much, i doubt you could hear any noise from them when they're on

Also, which model is best for use outside the native resolution as whilst my current rig is happy at 1280x1024 in games i'm sure the games that are released in the next 12 months will grind to a halt on it, especially if 3dmark 2006 is anything to go by!

most modern screens are pretty good at interpolation outside of native resolution when you're gaming. You may lose some sharpness, but tbh they ar generally all pretty good. Samsung have made some good panels in the past which can handle some scaled down resolutions pretty well. All in all, for games i dont think you need worry too much about the difference between models at interpolation

For £400 you have a pick of pretty much the whole 19" market. Assuming you want to stick with a 19" model, you couldnt really go wrong with the Viewsonic VP930. Arguably the best all round panel in the market right now. You may not need to spend all this money on it though, since if you're only watching a very occasional movie, you would probably find the cheaper TN Film based models are just as good for your needs. The extra price is because you will pay for wider viewing angles and smoother movie playback on the Premium MVA panel used in the VP930. Maybe you dont watch enough movies to warrant, this, only you can decide really....

If you dont want to spend the extra to get the all rounded performance of the VP930 then there are certainly plenty of excellent models for gaming and office use. The Samsung 930BF and Viewsonic VX924 / VX922 are excellent models and about as fast as you're going to get for gaming in the market right now. If you dont mind too much about the viewing angles then these would be just as good for your other uses i think as the VP930 would be
I've just got the Viewsonic VX922, it's currently the most responsive TFT for gaming and I think would suit your requirements pretty well. I'd stay away from widescreens as they tend to have backlight issues which would be noticeable when playing games such as Doom III / Fear.
Thank you badass that is kind of you to write such a detailed response and it is massively helpful.

PieEater - can you hear your TFT in operation (i.e. if it was in a silent or near silent environment)?
Spudgun said:
PieEater - can you hear your TFT in operation (i.e. if it was in a silent or near silent environment)?
I honestly don't think they have any elecronics in them that makes noise. However I checked for you and can confirm that there was no noise eminating from it at all.

Oh and the VX922 is in the This Week Only special deals on OCUK !!
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