Considering memory upgrade...

18 Nov 2003
Memory updgraded - odd problem

... because I keep forgetting things!

No, I've got 1Gb of GeIL value at the moment and I'm thinking of maybe sticking an extra 512Mb of the same kind of RAM in.

Question is, will I notice much difference? Will the performance increase VS the need for a bigger pagefile be worth it? Will there be a need for a PF at *all*?
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I bought another stick of GeIL Value.

Now I'm puzzled - with the new stick in, the machine simply refuses to get passed the POST screen. I've tried all possible combinations of sticks and slots available, and the only conclusion I could reach was that the new stick was duff. This was confirmed when I tried it in my gateway PC and encountered the same problem.

BUT today I tried the supposedly dodgy stick at work and presto! it works perfectly!


What the?
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