Console vs PC Gamers Difference during tournament [Soo trueee...]

The call of duty tournaments for the console guys are embarrassing to watch due to how the players actually react. Sadly its the best players who are the worst too! Ego's on rampage it seems.
Not really surprising that the COD kids can't act properly socially, communication in that game can only be done by screaming down the mic right?
So the console gamers are the fat goony looking nerds whereas the PC gamers are quite normal looking people.

Brilliant. :D

PS Can't governments use events like these as like convenient herdings for people that shouldn't be allowed to exist? Line em up outside after the event, sorted. :cool:
At these tournaments, does the age restriction of the game stop some people performing? or is this something the tournament creators let slide?
Yeah to be fair though i have seen a few PC events have people like that mainly in the csgo areas.

People like that everywhere though i would agree that it's far more prominent on consoles.
Lol i googled Console gaming tournament.

This came up as the top link.. search "Rage Compilation - Call of Duty European Championships"

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