Consoles are maybe good for pc gamig?

8 Dec 2008
East yorkshire near hull
I been thinking about this recently after all the talk that pc gaming is dead and so on. We are mainly getting ports of console games but is that bad thing?

A will give a few examples, Fallout 3, street fighter 4, re 5, gta 4, need for speed shift, grid, batman, left for dead, call of duty 4, mass effect. Plus many more games i forgot, these are all games that appered on console and pc, imo they all look better then the console versions and they all run at better frame rates.

But becasue all these games are also made on consoles i think that keeps the System Requirements down, which i belive is a good thing as we dont have to upgrade every year to play the latest pc games. I dont feel like i need to have the latest hardware to enjoy the latest games.

I always found it very dissapointing when a new pc game got released only to find it ran like turd on my system, but now i feel my pc is good for at least another year and i cant really see any games in the pipeline that my pc will stuggle to run as there mainly all console ports. Which of course saves me a lot of money.

Just wondering other peoples thoughts on this.
yeah but they all came out on console which kept the system req down. Well i i suppose l4d runs on the source engine, which most pcs can run anyways. But it still looks a lot better on pc.
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All the games i mentioned barring gta run at 60+ fps on full graphics and 1920 res would that be the case if all the games i mentioned was pc exculsives like crysis was.

The same with arma 2 thats a pc only game but i bet i couldnt run it at 60 fps on full graphics with no slow down.

All i am saying is we are getting a lot of games that look great and run great which are way better then the console versions without the need to upgrade every 5 mins, imo its a good thing.

And i too thought cod 4 came out on console the same time as pc cause i remember playing it on my friends ps3 and thinking it was turd compaired to the pc one.

As for gta 4 it was a dissapointmeant for many pc gamers, but it still looked a lot better and ran a lot better then it did on consoles (if you had a decent pc).
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*looks at your sig*.....


My pc is a year old now though ( apart from the ram) and its quite tame compaired to a lot of the i core monster rigs on this forum. plus most of the games i mentioned apart from gta run good on modest pc. As i have most of them installed on my older 2nd pc which has a 8800gts in and a average dual core.
I see your point.

However lets put it this way, you've spent probable the cost of 3-5 xbox 360's on your system right? And the games you are playing are the same ones that a cheapo 360 plays with ease.

So you have all this excess power which could be put to use with much better graphics, physics etc. But instead is wasted as we are only getting console ports.

Dosen't bother me a great deal, as my pc cost peanuts. But people like you must feel at least a little bitter.

Not at all, if i get 2 years out of my pc to me thats value for money, i built my pc my self which i also enjoyed doing. I used to be into consoles i have owned just about every console durring my childhood and teenage years. I know many people that have gone thorugh 2-3 xbox 360's cause they keep breaking, i myself went throguh 3 normal xbox's.

The games also cost more when they come out, console gaming can be just as expensive as pc gaming, i know a few freinds that have all 3 consoles and they properly spent more money then i have on my pc, considering they also bought a hd tv just to get the most out their consoles.

The thing with pcs the games age much better then console games i know all the games i have will stay with me as i upgrade. These days i find it hard to play on consoles, i also find them so laggy and blury some of the games make me feel sick when playing them. I'm not anti console at all but when ever i'm at my mates hosue having a few beers and such i get bored very fast and i notice the laggy and blury bits more then proberly some one whos more used to console gaming and they distract me from the game. It makes me look forward to getting home and firing up l4d or tf2 and other such games.
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they dont run at 60fps on a modest pc with all the goodies up full, 1920x1200 i can tell you that. It makes little difference if the pc is a year old, thats still £250's worth of gpus even in todays money. that is not anything like the average pc.

My other monitor is a 22 inch and my other pc is about 3 years old now. And i mainly use it as a lan pc for when my friends come round but it runs most of the games i want it too, odvisouly i have to turn the aa down a bit on some games but other then that it runs fine and can easily compete with a console. in temrs of frame rate and graphics.
I didnt include the prices of the tv becuase, you need a hd tv to get the most out of consoles if you dont have one its a waste, its the same with pc, if you have got a gaming pc you need i hgih res monitor to get the most out of it. The main differance is i know people who have just bought a hd tv for their console rather then watching tv or anything else on it, which makes a console just as expensive as a pc if you dont have a hd tv.

Seems like i opend a bit of a can of worms here and its turning into a console vs pc debate. The main point i am trying to make is.

Back in the golden age of pc gaming where most pc games that came out was pc exclusives because console at the time was way behind pc's and couldnt handle the games pc's could. It usally meant you was always playing catch up with the hardware.

But now i feel game desingers are been more realstic with the specs of the games then they used to be and our hardware is lasting longer because of this. I dont feel like i have to buy the latest i core or the latest gpu to enjoy my pc gaming. Its nice to know now when you buy a new pc or a new upgrade its going to last you and its not instantly out of date as soon as you get it out of the box like it used to be. I like looking forward to a new game coming out without the worry it wont run on my system.

I remember i used to have to study the backs of games to see if my pc could run it at a decent frame rate before i bought it then it used to become a 5- 10 min debate if i should buy it or not, the only game that has done that recently for me is crysis but i felt like i had to buy that jsut for curiosity sake.
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One other point that might have been missed is that consoles are terrible for playing RTS games. I played C&C on playstation and it sucked major donkey balls.

Starcraft would also be a no no

This is true halo wars is awful.
At the OP, yes and no I guess, sucks that some PC centric franchises got dumbed down over the years to accomodate for Console but at the same time I'm very happy that some Console games came over, loving SF4, and RE5 I personally thought was an improved experience over the console version thanks to mouse and keyboard controls.

Yeah this is the point i was trying to make we have been getting a lot of console ports and they have all beeen better versions of their console counter parts Esspecily the ones by capcom. But games like crysis which are pc exclusives all though impressive graphicly you get a lot of people complaining that they cant run the game. I personaily would rather have a good looking game like re 5 that i can run maxed out at a stable 60 fps then a crysis type of game wtih awesome graphics that i struggle to run at 30 fps.

@ coolsouthern, if he was running crysis on a monitor costing a grand i'd assume would be a 30 incher running @ 2560x1600 if he was running at that resultion and at full aa and max settings it should defentily blow bioshock away on the ps3 which runs at 1200x675 according to the internet !
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