Constant out of memory errors

28 Dec 2004
I've got a machine for work with 2gb of memory, which is reported as 2gb under CP/System (so I know both sticks are working at least to some degree), trouble is, at least 4-5 times a day I get an error in Dreamweaver (8) saying "Your system is low on memory" it then wipes out most of the preview of the page I'm working on. I normally have Outlook 2003 open which has a PST file of around 600 meg, Filezilla and Photoshop CS 2, when I get the out of memory errors, Photoshop also starts playing up which makes me think it's not just a problem with Dreamweaver but when I check the commit charge in the task manager it say's I'm only using around 300 meg. It's beginning to do my nut in, anyone have any idea what could be causing it?
Olly said:
try checking your pagefile size.
other than that maybe scan for spyware/viruses.
Check in the bios that you have 2gb of ram being registered also

The pagefile is around 3gb, so I have a commit charge (at the moment for example) of 471M/4955mb, bit tricky trying to do anything in the BIOS as I'm using DVI and my panel won't show anything until I actually get into Windows :(
Olly said:
ok, try right clicking on my computer and going to properties, it should tell you how much ram has been recognised.
i would also try scanning for spyware etc
also might be worth going into task manager and then "process", and then sort by mem usage and see whats gobbling it all up !

Already mentioned how much ram is recognised in windows, 2gb (control panel/system), there's no virii/spyware whatsoever and nothing according to the task manager is using more than it should.
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