Consultancy Firms

2 Apr 2006
My experience of consultants over the years isn't good so I'm wondering what others think? For any consultants on here I apologize in advance, I'm sure some of you actually solve a problem with something you've thought of yourself. :p
The term consultant is far too broad to make a thread complaining about them in general. What sort of consultants do you mean?

You have engineering consultants, management consultants, even doctors whose title is consultant. So what are you getting at even?
Ah sorry, my bad. I mean consultants who look to streamline the manufacturing process i.e reduce waste, increase output and/or solve problems.
Ah sure.

Can I ask are you a business owner or employee? I can very much understand that an employee who is involved with or even designed a manufacturing process might dislike a consultant who has been hired by his/her boss to critically review how things are working.
I'm an employee and consider myself pretty open to new ideas. It's difficult to explain but I have a problem with the methods they use. My experience is that they are very rigid to whichever system they employ, and aren't willing to deviate from that path, even if it means solving the problem in a much shorter timeframe. I also feel it's all about the presentation i.e it's a sales pitch to showcase any project they take on. They are extremely slick and polished at this, I can't deny otherwise.
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