Contact Form Captchas

30 Apr 2007
Hi All,

I have a customer that is complaining about receiving spam emails through their sales mailbox, from the contact form on their website. They have asked me to install some form of anti-spam mechanism.

What captchas can you guys recommend that don't look like a polished turd?

Many thanks in advance.
30 Apr 2007
Firstly, thank you all for your response...

I'm a big fan of VisualCaptcha. None of that awful squinting your eyes trying to read the numbers and letters.

Now - that is actually a nice looking one, I shall certainly bare that in mind. I hate all captchas out there.

What i do:

Duplicate say the email field typically i have one named email and the other contact_email.

You hide email with CSS via a class called styled_email, do not use inline as some bots can tell if a field is a honeypot.

When you process the form in PHP or whatever you check to see if the honey potted field is empty, if it is you know the request is from a normal user.


This works surprisingly well most times, and it doesn't affect the user experience.. they can't even tell the difference.

There are other tricks too like processing the form through AJAX, i find most bots have JavaScript disabled so this works well.

Now, that sounds like an interesting solution - I shall give that a go and see if it does enough.

I'm also not a fan of captchas.

What's the primary goal you'd like from a visitor to your website? Usually it's to get in touch with you, therefore creating a potential sales enquiry.

Captchas are known to be fiddly and awkward to complete for some users. You're therefore putting a hurdle in the way of people completing the goal of your site. People are willing to pay for sales leads, yet they're happy to throw a hurdle/captcha on a page without a second thought.

I'd personally rather sift through a couple of spam enquiries instead of losing out on a potential sale.

The honeypot solution is a good one mind.

BaJ, that is exactly my point and my resistance to use Captchas. The customer in question will be the first to moan if he "isn't getting emails" from his website. Or enquiries are down on the previous week/month. I would rather have to just select a few spam messages and delete them, than stop genuine enquiries coming through.
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