Contact sheets with file names - Help.

21 Oct 2004
Los Angeles
Hey Guys,

I need to produce a number of contact sheets to display the 500-odd photos I took last night at a club so that people can have a browse through them and choose the photos they like best.

The photos need to have the file names displayed under them so they can write them down and I can find them easily on my PC and have them printed.

Photoshop produces nice contact sheets, but doesn't include the file names. Anybody know of a program or method of doing so?

If you know, post back ASAP, need them up tomorrow or Friday!
/downloads it now.

Out of interest, what's the program like?
Is it more efficient for post processing photographs that photoshop?


Just downloaded it.

This is fantastic software!
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I've changed my mind.

I know it's only a beta, but when viewing RAW files in the library, Lightroom repeatedly crashes on both my desktop PC (Dual core 1800 processor + 2gb 3200 RAM) and on my laptop (Dual core 1600 processor + 1gb RAM).

It's fine when doing jpg files, but it was a real pain the the backside this evening while I was trying to process these files.

Adobe seem to have got the idea right, they just need to fine tune the software to make it stable.
Which version of PS? CS2 includes the file names on contact sheets, use it all the time.
Yeah, I have CS2....

When it creates a contact sheet, using "Contact Sheet II" it just puts on the images.
MrSix said:
Yeah, I have CS2....

When it creates a contact sheet, using "Contact Sheet II" it just puts on the images.
Strange, just tried it again to make sure and mine includes the file number underneath each image :confused:
MrSix said:
Yeah, I have CS2....

When it creates a contact sheet, using "Contact Sheet II" it just puts on the images.

Check that you have 'include file name' ticked and the font is a different colour to your page background.
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