contacts and phone number question

18 Feb 2007

Just a question about adding phone numbers to contacts.

Do you add the UK prefix +44 when adding numbers to your contacts?

Also just one other thing should I have dial assist on or off.

Just trying to fix something on my phone and have decided to add the prefix to my numbers to see if that solves it.

No because on an iphone it knows automatically the prefix.
So if I enter a UK number into contacts it should put a prefix in automatically? Not seen it do that.

I just add numbers in whatever format the person supplies them. If it includes the +44 then I just copy/paste. Life is too short to worry about changing them all to look the same as as said above, iOS and MacOS know how to use them.

Not in my case as my iPhone keeps adding spaces between my numbers
, so it fails to make a call. That’s why I was going to change them all to have prefix in front of number see if that solves my issue.

cheers guys
If it's all UK numbers then just add +44 to all your contacts. Let me double check something.

EDIT: When I type an 11 digit number it once I type the very last number in it removes all of the spaces. This is without adding a prefix.

When adding a number with the prefix it does exactly the same.

What iOS version are you on?

I'm on 13.1.3

I have changed a few of my contacts adding the +44, so if it happens again where my contacts numbers get screwed up I will check to see if its messed with the +44 contacts I edited.

Not sure what you mean about the spaces, when I add a number with a prefix it adds the space automatically after I click done, so if I enter +447924000000 it then changes it to
+44 7924 000000

Problem is my issue is currently that numbers that are 07924 000000 in my contacts for some reason they occasionally change to 07 92 400 00 000 , so I can't make a call. Changing iPhone region from UK to US and back to UK resets them back to as they were.
It shouldn't matter if there are spaces or not, some of my numbers have spaces but they still dial perfectly OK whether or not they have the +44.

I did have a problem a while back where iMessage totally failed to put names against numbers which were in a slightly different format. It took a while but there was a fix for that posted on the MacRumors (sic) forum.

Yeah, perhaps where it changes the numbers itself it must screw with something else as well.

I'm going to see if it changes the +44 numbers next time it happens and also see if the issue syncs to other devices. next action will be iCloud sign out/in and then last resort reset.
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