Contacts not syncing with iCloud

10 May 2004
I've had this problem for a while but have decided to finally do something about it.

I have had a search on google but can't really find anything relevant (it mostly relates to linking the address book on a mac).

My contacts sync with gmail but not with iCloud. I can't figure out why, everything appears to be set up correctly.

It's annoying when I have to restore because I have to wait a day before my contacts sync with google.

Strangely enough there are about 12 contacts which have synced with iCloud but that's it.

Any ideas?

I am too needing advice with this (hope you dont mind the bump OP)

I have got a iPhone. I also have my iPhone calendar sych with google calendar as well as my contacts.

But when I sign on to iCloud, there is nothing in calendar nor contacts. Not one contact.

I have icloud on on my iPhone, signed in etc.

Just nothing.

Some help would be great.

I was under the impressions what ever was on my iphones calendar AND contacts would also be mirrored in iCloud.


Thank you
I didn't ever get this sorted I'm afraid.

Some people have had success turning off contacts sync (making sure you have a backup of them) then turning it back on. It never worked for me though.
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