Containers, bags?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Wondering what the easiest way is to secure a helmet and jacket to a bike when out? Is there any special helmet bags/boxes?

Also is there any rucksacks that are designed to take a helmet plus a few other items?
Top box sounds the way. But :eek: at the rack costs £80 for the xj900. Then you can buy the box for just £30, seems the wrong way round to me.
Just had a look when you put up your last post and I'm surprised I can't see a thing!

I have one of those rucksacks for when I ride a sportsbike - its nice and comfy on the bike and quite spacious. I'm not sure whether the helmet will fit inside the bag, but there is a specially designed mesh to hold it externally. :)
There are drawstrings that you pull which hold it all in place, although you are best having both straps over your shoulders or it will swing about a bit. I think I've only carried a helmet in mine once.
Top box is the best idea, but as you've found its not a cheap solution.

See pic below, for how its done:

Thought I'd have a look at the Knox rucksack and maybe get one for myself. Looks like the helmet carrying feature isn't for use whilst riding though :(

"NB the helmet-carrying feature is not designed for use while riding" - From the description on THIS item.

Unless I'm looking for the wrong item of course :)

Edit: Found the same quote on THIS page too.
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I doubt it has lockable hook thingys. But I'll have a look. Only has one key and it's old.

Don't mind that the bag can't be used when riding. It's more for securing helmet when going shopping, or popping down the pub or whatever.

Top box, I'm taking it you have to have the rack as well?

Anyone know any good part finder breakers yard websites for bikes. Maybe could get a rack off one of them.
It will almost certainly have helmet hooks. Lift seat with key, put helmet strap into hook, replace seat.

Only downside is that its not weather proof obviously, but that what I use when parked up in town etc
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