Contract problems with voda - Advice please!!

28 Feb 2004
North East, UK
Hello there, I'm posting this on behalf of my g/f as she is having major issues with Vodafone. I will explain the situation the best I can. She was due an upgrade in Jan (with her contract up on feb 18th) this year so she phoned Vodafone as she was on a £16.99 a month cotract (12 month), she wanted the new Sony Erricson W800i mobile, after much haggling they agreed to give her the phone for free on slightly different contract as long as she paid them £100 for her first 4 months line rental which was due to be paid in Feb, as they could not give her the phone free they told her if she paid £100 in feb she would not have to pay for the phone just the line rental in advance.

Around 3 days later after receiving the phone she got a letter stating that if she was not happy with the current contract she could go back to her original one, she decided she didn't like the new tariff and asked to go back to her old one. Vodafone reluctantly agree to this (as it was in black and white) and put her back on her old tariff but told her she still had to pay the £100 in FEB and when she paid it she would still have no line rental to pay for the first 4 months, she also was allowed to keep the Sony phone.

However today Voda cut her phone off due to her not paying "an outstanding balance" ie the £100 which again was NOT due until feb. After an arguement with the lady/man they told her she HAD to pay the £100 today (bearing in mind they told her feb 18th) to get her phone back on. She had previously asked 3 CS reps and the lady today BEFORE paying the £100 that she would DEFINATELY not have to pay line rental for first 4 months if she paid the £100 now. She paid the £100 and then got a txt msg saying to contact them ASAP about her bill recalculation, so she did and they then claimed she DIDN'T get the 4 months free now as the £100 is covering the cost of the phone and because she changed contracts back to her original one she was no longer entitled to the free line rental, HOWEVER after asking 4-5 times she was told she still did get the free 4 months and that was what the £100 was for.

I would be very grateful if people could give me some advice please, she is wanting out of it all now as she is being lied to and robbed blind here, would Trading Standards be the best place to start?


Tricky one...

Without knowing the in's and out's of how their arrangements work, whether such an offer is likely and so on, it's hard to say. (The network I work for wouldn't do an offer like this, so I'm sorry to say I can't be much help).

I would probably say call back, see what's said and maybe ask to escalate the call up the line if she's not happy with the response. Ask for the details to be clearly noted on the account to avoid future confusion.

If that doesn't help, put the complaint in writing.

Remembering (and no offense intended at all) that this is only one side of the story, and how things can get misinterpreted or misunderstood over the phone, that would be my course of action.
My friend was messed around by a company and I advised him to get trading standards involved.

His faulty (>£1000) good was sorted almost immediately and no problems since.

I would advise seeking advice from them as that's what they are for. Advice.
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