Dear All.
Looking to try and control my garden lights using Alexa. Currently, the run to the shed, which has power from the house. There is a switch that we can use to turn them on. They are LED floodlights , all running on 240v. Of course everytime that I want to turn them on, I have to walk out to the shed, and would be lovely to control them remotely, and also put them on a timer.
Would it be possible to put in a wifi module, like a Sonoff, to acheive this ? Which is the best and most reliable brand to go for, that works with Alexa most reliably ? There are about 250w of floodlights, so not a huge current draw.
Something like this ? Any advice gratefully appreciated. Thanks. Mel
Looking to try and control my garden lights using Alexa. Currently, the run to the shed, which has power from the house. There is a switch that we can use to turn them on. They are LED floodlights , all running on 240v. Of course everytime that I want to turn them on, I have to walk out to the shed, and would be lovely to control them remotely, and also put them on a timer.
Would it be possible to put in a wifi module, like a Sonoff, to acheive this ? Which is the best and most reliable brand to go for, that works with Alexa most reliably ? There are about 250w of floodlights, so not a huge current draw.
Something like this ? Any advice gratefully appreciated. Thanks. Mel