Convert pc audio into dolby surround

12 Jan 2006
Is this possible? ideally through software as i dont think my soundcard supports the functionality
I have an onkyo 505SE hooked up to my pc via SPDIF and ideally i want to use my tv to play games on my pc, now this works fine but i cant find some software to convert the pc surround into the single stream needed for dolby (amp)
I have a DFI Infinity 975x which has a Realtek HD audio on board

I read this was possile with a creative card?
Ultimately i want to convert game audio into surround on my system,
reading about i believe this involves converting EAX audio into Dolby surround

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated
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Auzentech soundcards, OCuk sell em. Not cheap though. :)

Sorry, in a rush atm, will come back later to explain more if you havent found your answers.
Ok got more time now.

The act of muxing all 5 analogue channels used to output the EAX effects into the 680kbps Dolby Live stream is quite intensive. To do this in realtime would put quite a bit of strain on the CPU. In theory it could be done, but nodoby has to date afaik.

The Auzentech soundcards either utilise C-Media or X-Fi chips (priced accordingly..) and they do exactly as they say on the tin. Take the analogue audio and output it as a single Dolby Digital stream via either a Co-Ax or SP-DIF socket.

I had one of the very first ones but eventually sold it as the C-Media drivers itwas based around were frankly dire.

If you are interested in using EAX effects you either need to the X-Fi based Auzentech, or see if you can find a way to use analogue (this is what I did) The cheaper C-Media chip Auzentech provides upto EAX 2.0 and tbh its not a very convincing implementation by C-Media...
Sadly that is indeed the only DD Live encoidng sound solution with decent EAX support on the market and yes £124 is crazy. I mean its a good card an all, but thats just too much in my books.

Thats why I use my speakers with analogue and digital depending upon what im currently doing and just switch between the two.

There really is no "good" solution to the problem available at the mo.

The cheaper DTS Live one with encode to DD Live and DTS Live, the difference lies in the fact it uses a C-Media chipset and not the X-Fi chipset. I simply cannot say whether they have improved since I last used the C-Media drivers, but I would err on the side of caution and say that, no they probably haven't.
I think i will give this a miss until the tech has matured somewhat for the mo :)
I really cant justify £124 on something that would be nice but isn't necesary
when i can just as easily buy a port for the 360 with native support :)

cheers for all you're help mate :D
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