Converting a site to HTTPS - Perl/PHP considerations?

15 Nov 2003
If I allow my website to handle HTTPS, will the perl/PHP coding on that site need attention?

eg: If I check URLs for "http://" will they need to also cater for "https://"?

Or is the secure socket layer invisible to the webside code?

BTW - I'd envisage changing my htaccess to convert http to https address on the fly coming in?

Basically I'm just considering what Chromes treatment of non-HTTP sites in January (giving a warning) means to me. And the implication/size of handling it if I decide to - I run a Vbulletin forum and a hand written perl system, both of which handle logons.
Sorry, so if I changed my perl script url over to HTTPS, would that mean absolutely every URL to do with it would be HTTPS? Even images displayed within the pages rendered by it?

So would images be:-
or would it be OK for them to be:-

If every URL simply changed over (no matter of to a script or image etc) that must surely be the easier thing? Especially if there's an htaccess rename?
I did mention that above not sure you understood it fully mind.

Everything has to be https scripts/images/css anything that is loaded into your site basically.

OK... I'll try and ensure all referenced to "HTTP" are changed to a variable, and then I can start it with HTTP and consider moving it to HTTPS if/when necessary.
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