Converting Compressed Music?

1 Jan 2005
Dublin, Ireland
Yesterday I won a 512MB MP3 player in a quiz (:D) so I'm going to start loading some music onto it today. All my music is in AAC format at the moment since my brother has an iPod and uses my computer for his library, so I'll need to convert my music to MP3 or WMA for the player. Can I just convert my AACs into MP3 or would I be better off digging up the original CDs and re-ripping them?

It would be better to rerip from the original CDs as the original rip will have lost a certain portion of the sound, converting will then lose a different portion of the signal.
If you do want to convert get something like Winamp, although iTunes may have added some copy protection which won't convert.
Thanks for the reply. I might as well get out the CDs - it's only 512MB I suppose so it shouldn't be too much of a chore.
Just one more question before I start ripping. Anyone have any recommendations as to what format and bit rate I should use? I was thinking of 128Kbps WMA's but I'm not sure how this'll sound.
Aidoscuz said:
Just one more question before I start ripping. Anyone have any recommendations as to what format and bit rate I should use? I was thinking of 128Kbps WMA's but I'm not sure how this'll sound.

I personally encode at 160Kbps MP3 with the LAME codec. Have a look at this thread:

It's often said that bitrate doesn't matter quite so much as the codec used. Anything above 128kbps will be fine probably, especially if you're only using the stock earphones that come with the player. :)
Hmm, looks like an interesting thread. I might give it a try. So the basic gist is that most compressed files should sound decent enough if encoded properly? I'm using dbPowerAmp so I presume I should be fine with 128 or 160K. I'm using the stock headphones at the moment but I'm planning on getting some Sennheiser CX300s soon :)
roughtly 99.9% of people in the world cant hear the differnce between an mp3 @ 128 and a cd, unless you are one of the 0.1% go for 128 and you'll fit more on your player
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