converting MP3s to play on car CD player?

13 Jan 2004
hey guys, i have a load of MP3s i want to stick on a CD-R to play in my car... but my CD player wont play MP3s.

is there a decent free program out there that can convert it? im not fussed if i dont get a 1000 songs on a disc... just 20 or so.

helpimcrap said:
but my CD player wont play MP3s.

be default most burning apps will burn standard audio cds regardless of the source material (mp3s in your case). and as your cd player will only play normal cds (homemade audio cd-rs will be fine), you're of course limited to 80 minutes of music. just use the burn cd functionality within windows media player. should work fine. :)
I think it's pointless converting your mp3's back to normal CD's when there are alternatives to do what you want.You could always buy one of those CD walkman style mp3 players together with a tape adapter so you can play the device in the car , but only if your car player has a tape in it . You can buy a device that plugs into a walkman ,cassette player or whatever and will send the music to your car radio [its tunes in to a fm channel ]and lets you hear the sound through you car speakers , or do what I did and buy a car CD player , was only £59 and reads CD's as well as mp3 disks , but also has the SD card slot in the side and a USB port for plugging your mini mp3 player into .I now store all my music on the SD cards , I bought a load of 512mb ones especially for the job . The sound quality is really fantastic and they take up so much less space than a tape or CD.Hope this helps
rickyt said:
I think it's pointless converting your mp3's back to normal CD's when there are alternatives to do what you want.You could always buy one of those CD walkman style mp3 players together with a tape adapter so you can play the device in the car , but only if your car player has a tape in it . You can buy a device that plugs into a walkman ,cassette player or whatever and will send the music to your car radio [its tunes in to a fm channel ]and lets you hear the sound through you car speakers , or do what I did and buy a car CD player , was only £59 and reads CD's as well as mp3 disks , but also has the SD card slot in the side and a USB port for plugging your mini mp3 player into .I now store all my music on the SD cards , I bought a load of 512mb ones especially for the job . The sound quality is really fantastic and they take up so much less space than a tape or CD.Hope this helps

Apart from those fm radio devices being illegal, its much simpler and cheaper to burn an audio cd.

Just use nero.
annoyingly my car CD player wont play any CDs I burn no matter how slowly I burn them, it only ever wants original CDs so I can't make a compilation or the rubbish I listen too!

ancient cd player though, but it works so I'd hate to chuck it away :(
Kami said:
annoyingly my car CD player wont play any CDs I burn no matter how slowly I burn them, it only ever wants original CDs so I can't make a compilation or the rubbish I listen too!

ancient cd player though, but it works so I'd hate to chuck it away :(

Are you burning them as audio cds? Perhaps the compatibility options in nero may help?
"its much simpler and cheaper to burn an audio cd."

Yeah ,but who want's to carry around 20 or 30 audio CD's in there car ? , and we all know some of the older car CD players dont like copy disks ,so ,who want's to leave their originals in the car.They'll be the first things to go if you get a breakin.
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