Converting NTSC Video files to PAL?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Got little bit of an issue here.

Its annoying to like crazy.

We are putting together a load of Videos, and some peoples stuff is given to me as NTSC, some as PAL, some as VCD, some as DVD, some on Disk and some on tape!

Ok, fine, not really too much of a problem as such. Individually, I can get them and put them to a DVD, but then mixing them up is being a pain.

For a start, I can convert VCD to DVD, but I cannot increase the dimensions, which can be awkward, however, with using menus, I can get around this.

I could have them, all as VCD, however, as a lot of it, is night vision, the quality gets seriosuly bad, so I need to keep the DVD stuff as DVD.

Now, where the main issues are, are when some of my friends give me their stuff and its NTSC. I cannot mix that with PAL no matter what I do?

So, is there a way, I can run an NTSC video file throuh some p[rogram that will convert it to PAL?

No, this is all legit stuff... We run a ghost hunting group, and some of us have TAPE VIDEOs and some have Disk, a couple of the lucky buggers have HD Videos.

The best We have been doing so far, is annoyingly, to burn a DVD with the NTSC stuff on, and record it into a DVD Recorder, but as you can guess, its time consuming at best.

Anyone willing to offer some info on this?

Thanks in advance.
Any decent video editing package will do this for you.

I use Pinnacle Studio 10 edit the footage.
I also use Ulead VideoStudiop if the footage doesn't need editing as the making a DVD with menu's is very easy with Ulead. Pinnacle can also make DVD menus.

There are also numerous freeware/shareware applications that can convert as well.
I personally dont like ULEAD. It does not keep anythign if its WideAngle at all, it either cuts off the sides, or stretches the video so dwarfs look like Communion Aliens.

Pinnacle? - I got that... Pinnacle 9 actually. It came with somehting Im sure... Possibly a TV or graphics card? - Anyway... I found it a little slow to be honest, but then again, that was back then, this is now, and my systems have changed somewhat so...

I myself use TMPG to do most of my stuff, the menus etc are doen in DVD Author, as is basic cutting and editting.

DVD2ONE is another little godsend and WinAVI and DVD Santa are good for certain convertions, but not NTSC to PAL.

I deally I would only like a small program that simply takes the source NTSC files and re-writes them as PAL.

You mention that there are some, so any chance of letting out any names?
Actually I use Pinnacle 9 - I typed up my first reply at work and wsn't sure which version I had.

I use WinAVI for converting between various formats, although for DVD's I don't usually bother since my DVD players are multi-region.
Yes, I think pretty much every DVD Player you buy these days are all Region Free, or can play any region !!!

Thats not the issue.

What is the issue, is that I have files that has the physical dimensions of both NTSC and PAL.

You cannot mix these on the same DVD.

I need to pull up the NTSC to make them into PAL

I have footage from a few people you see, and the menu simply says things like :-

1 - Pauls Footage
2 - Debbies Footage
3 - The man in the moons footage

And so on...

If I had them all as NTSC then thats cool, or same with PAL, but the thing is, that some is NTSC and some is PAL. I have told them that from now on, I will not bother with them if they are NTSC, but I still have several hours and several disks worth of files that I have promised to do!

I have found a program now called BLAZE... I am about to have a play with that, and see what happens?

Apparently its for converting NTSC to PAL and PAL to NTSC which ( Providing it does the job properly ) I will be buying.

£50 though? - its a lot of money when there is probably the same thing out there for free, or cheaper!
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